So your brother's bound and gagged
And they've chained him to a chair
Won't you please come to Chicago the DNC is here
Politicians, sit yourselves down
There's nothing for you here
Don't ask Joe to help you
Cause he'll turn the other ear
Won't you please come to Chicago or else join the other side
The DNC brings the Bolshevik revolution to Chicago... and the shit show is inside and outside.
They have people on the inside stage pushing communism, and businesses shutting down and boarding up their stores, to protect themselves from the Soros paid protesters on the sidewalk on one side, and on the other side the Soros paid provocateurs... while at the same time there are people in the parking lot doing free abortions... rock'n in the free world/clown world.
Pushing freedom and democracy the democratic way... a who's who of academy award actors.
Biden was forced to do the humiliation ritual to stir up the crowd with his sharp as a tack wit...